Studying Overseas

Studying abroad is likely to be an exciting experience for many students who yearn to be out of their comfort zone in a new place with new sights. The prospect of meeting different kinds of people and acquiring first-hand experiences of different cultures may seem attractive to many. As thrilling as it may be, the decision to study overseas cannot be made overnight as it requires a great deal of preparation. This will involve a lot of paperwork, including ensuring you have all the right documents for studying abroad, as well as making practical arrangements, among other things, for flights and appropriate accommodation when you arrive at your foreign destination. In this article, we highlight some of the important things you will need to take note of if you do decide to study overseas.
Applications and Deadlines
Some countries use a centralised system for university applications whereas others opt for a decentralised approach that allows you to apply to each institution individually. As a general rule of thumb, it is advisable that you apply for the course of your choice at least 12 months in advance or earlier as the application process can be tedious and time-consuming. Do note that academic years begin at different times across the year in different countries. Thoroughly investigate the application process and deadlines of the various countries below:
- UK
The UK uses UCAS which stands for the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. The system allows students to apply for up to five courses at only one university or college, or a different course at five different universities. The application deadline is 15 October each year for the intake the following year for competitive courses such as medicine, dentistry and veterinary science, among others. The deadline for other undergraduate courses is usually around 25 January. Some UK universities accept direct applications; students applying to a single university or for a postgraduate course usually choose this option. Refer here for more information about UCAS applications and deadlines.
- US
Unlike the UK, there is no centralised system for US college applications. Students are advised to apply directly to their institution of choice. There are typically two admission deadlines for fall (or autumn) intakes…
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